Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How will the name Instagram and WhatsApp change?

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What will soon be the name of our favorite applications - Instagram and WhatsApp?
Soon the names of two popular applications will change - Instagram and WhatsApp. The owner is responsible for the changes - Facebook. Why such a decision?

How will the application names change?

We calm down everyone who panicked. Both Instagram and WhatsApp will change slightly. Both names will only be appended with "from Facebook". Bedz new name soon appeared both on Google Play, as well as the App Store. This will probably not affect the icons of both applications.

Why this Facebook decision?

According to a Facebook spokesperson, this action will be taken to make everything clear. Facebook wants both Instagram and WhatsApp to be associated with the Facebook brand to which they belong.
These words were spoken to It is true that this fact has been known for quite some time, but maybe now is the time for Facebook creators to inform and label them on a larger scale. You can also get help from Buysocialfollowers.
Does Facebook really want to mark its share in the name? Or maybe the opinions of foreign Internet users that a social network only wants to attract new users is true?